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24-Jul| 28 Comments
UF-TOOLS team travel activities in Zhuhai: Happy sailing, unlimited energy, unlimited friendship

UF-TOOLS team travel activities in Zhuhai: Happy sailing, unlimited energy, unlimited friendship

Set out for happiness!

In this fast-paced life, it’s time to press the pause button and embark on an unforgettable journey with the team, letting laughter and friendship become the most moving melody

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Zhuhai, a coastal city with natural beauty and modern urban style

Just the perfect destination for our team building trip

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Adventures of Chimelong

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunshine shines on Zhuhai, the UFERS team-building trip officially begins

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The first stop is Chimelong International Ocean Resort, which is not only a dream paradise for children, but also an excellent place for adults to release their childlike innocence and regain their innocence. Travel through the undersea tunnel together and feel the mystery and magnificence of the ocean; ride the roller coaster, release stress amidst the screams and get closer to each other. Amid the laughter and laughter, the team's tacit understanding quietly developed.

Camping by the sea, a promise under the stars

The golden sunshine fills the delicate beach, and the waves gently lap the shore, as if it is nature's most gentle welcome ceremony

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Here, we all picked up our mobile phones or cameras and started taking photos, recording this intoxicating scenery, and freezing every warm and joyful moment between the team, making this beauty an eternal memory.

BBQ feast, carnival of taste buds

Of course, how can team building be complete without delicious food?

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BBQ at the beach, DIY, plenty of food and clothing. Selected seafood and fresh meat skewers are rolled and jumped on the charcoal fire, and the aroma is overflowing. Raise a glass and drink together, enjoy this rare leisure and freedom, and let your taste buds and soul be satisfied together.

Night falls, the bonfire is lit

The firelight illuminates the warm scene of us holding hands.

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When the music started playing, we sang loudly, danced gracefully, and laughed endlessly during the games. Every moment was filled with youthful energy and team enthusiasm.

Sitting in a circle under the tent, everyone's face was filled with sincere smiles, and they took turns telling stories that touched their hearts, letting love quietly fill the air.

On this special night, everyone bravely opened their hearts. At this moment, time really seemed to have stopped, leaving only the pure and profound warmth and friendship between us, flowing quietly in the night sky and turning into eternal memories.

Sea cruise, romantic sailing

The next morning, facing the rising sun, we took a sea cruise ship and slowly sailed towards the blue sea.

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The sea breeze blew over our cheeks with a salty breath, and the waves lapped happily against the side of the ship, leading us to appreciate the magnificent scenery of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, as if a breathtaking picture was slowly unfolding.

The brand-name battle, the explosion of team power

The climax of team building is the brand-name battle!

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In this meadow full of laughter, every successful "tearing off" of the opponent's name tag is a victory of team tacit understanding and collaboration. The intertwining of sweat and laughter made us deeply realize that no matter what challenges we face, as long as we unite as one, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.


Friendship lasts forever and the future is promising

A two-day team-building trip, short but fulfilling

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Let's set off in the fantasy of Chimelong, chat under the stars at the beach camping, ignite the passion with barbecue fireworks, then take a sea cruise, enjoy the comfort of the sea breeze, and finally have a brand-name battle to let the team's Cohesion and vitality are at their peak!

The two-day team-building trip gave us laughter, energy and deep team friendship. Every scenery in Zhuhai has witnessed our growth and transformation. Let us continue to move forward with this friendship and strength, and create more brilliance together in the future!

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